French Revolution

Time Line

Eric Squires


The Old Regime: Reign of King Louis XVI (1774-1792)

Marie Antoinette- Marie Antoinette was the queen married to King Louis.   She was shouted at by mobs of women for being ignorant and immoral for such times when she said “Let the eat cake” when everyone was poor and starving. 

Cardinal Fleury (1653-1743)- Cardinal Fleury was the cardinal in 1726 and then was the prime minister under King Louis XV.  He helped a lot with the ruling and even restored national finances.  He did other good stuff such as building roads. 

financial and administrative problems- France had a lot of financial and administrative problems that’s why they had a revolution.  First the government spent more money than it earned, and a ton of the countries people were poor and hungry.  The administration was corrupt because they had no clue on how the poor felt because they were not poor such as Marie Antoinette. 

Demands of the Nobility- The demands were to lower the taxes and other things like that which mainly effected the peasants.  These taxes and other things made peasants go hungry begging for bread, and starving.  The peasants were not even allowed to kill the rabbits that ate their crops, because they were not aloud to hunt game.  Laws such as this the peasants wanted to be abolished and to have the freedoms the 2nd Estate had. 

Identify "Jacques Turgot" (1727-1781)- He was the General of Frances finances.  He really tried to improve on circumstances such as farming and taxes. 

Identify "Jacques Necker" (1732-1804)- He was the Director of Royal Finances later to be the General of Finances.  He attempted to try to raise money for the American War of Independence, and also had many ideas for the king to make money, such as taxing the second and first estates. 

Explain Louis Reign- King Louis XVI reigned France for a long time, but did not do that great of a job.  People were starving, and there were huge financial problems under his control.  The Estates General even had to be put back into order again because the country was dieing. 

The Estates General (1788)

First Estate- This was the group of the clergy.  The clergy were the people who mainly worked for the Church, although some ran schools and hospitals. 

Second Estate- This was the group of the nobles.  The nobles actually were not the rich, and did not have much money or power. These nobles were basically the people with status and that is all. 

Bourgeoisie- These were the middle class.  They were in the third estate and were the merchants and wealthy business owners. 


Third Estate- This was the group of merchants and wealthy business owners, rural peasants, and city workers.  These people made up 98% of the population and were the workers of the day. 

Peasant life in France-

gabelle- This is a type of tax.  The main tax of this time used in France was the salt tax . 

corv'ee-  This is another word for unpaid labor.  The peasants were made to mainly repair the roads without being paid 

The Middle Class- The middle class were the Bourgeoisie.  These were the main wealthy business owners with merchants. 

Urban workers- The urban workers are the peasants.  These rural workers supplied the food goods and some of them actually became wealthy and hired people to work under them. 

King Louis XVI summons the Estates General (1788)

Identify "Elections for the Estates General"- People were elected from all the estates to be in the Estates General, although only people who owned property could be in the Estates General.  Originally each estate meted as a group and casted one big vote so there would have been a total of 3 votes. 

Identify "Demands on the Monarchy"- The people demanded many things of the monarchy.  These included demands for fairer taxes, freedom of the press, regular meeting of the Estates General, the right to kill animals destroying a farmers crops, and many more. 

Voting By Order- The way voting happened was that the three estates made up each of their votes and that is what the decision would be based on.  This way the First Estate and the Second Estate could vote out the third. 

The Third Estate proclaims itself to be the National Assembly (1789)

Identify "The Tennis Court Oath"- This oath is the oath that the National Assembly would not disband until they wrote up a new constitution for France.  The king had to accept this oath because some nobles were in the National Assembly. 

Identify "Louis XVI Versus the National Assembly"- He was against this national assembly because it hadn’t been uses for 175 years.  He feared that the nobles might try to take rule again. 

A Paris Mob storms the Bastille (1789)

Describe what happened- A gigantic mob made up of the National Assembly stormed the Bastille in search for weapons.  They ended up releasing a lot of prisoners but found no weapons.  This was said to be the start of the revolution. 

Jacques Necker's restoration- Jacques Necker tried to help with the huge financial crisis going through Europe.  This was his job to manage the money and he helped Louis manage the money better, if only the king would listen to him all the time. 

Jean Bailly's promotion (1736-1793)- Bailly was the commander of the National Guards, and at on time he was the mayor of Paris. 

Marquis de Lafayette's promotion (1757-1834)- He was a French soldier and also a statesman.  He was a first to advocate the National assembly and wanted a constitutional monarchy. 

How did the revolt affect most aristocrats?- This little battle made the ruling powers of the government realize that this was the start of the revolution.  They realized that something had to be done or else the people would keep revolting. 

The Great Fear Sweeps the French countryside (1789)

Describe- The Great Fear was a time where rumors kept spreading about things such as the government troops seizing peasant property and marauders attacking towns. 

Effects- These rumors made the peasants attack the nobles.  The peasants would kill and burn down the houses of nobles in anger. 

The National Assembly approves the Declaration of the Rights of Man and the citizen (1789)

Describe the Declaration of the Rights of Man- This Declaration showed the rights the people deserved to have such as the right to be born and remain free and equal.  Some other rights were to have liberty, equality, and fraternity.  This document also said everyone was equal in front of the law.

Declaration of the Rights of Women- This declaration is basically the same as the Declaration of the Rights of Man.  This asks for the same rights, the women just wante to be equal to man. 

Mob Action (1789)- There was a mob of women was protesting the ways of Marie Antoinette.  They felt she was arrogant and was not in their position so she had no right to jusge them.  The women screamed the word bread. 

Political Clubs- Many different political clubs started to form.  Each of these clubs had their own opinions on political matters and how the government is doing good or bad. 

The Jacobins- This was a political club of the French Revolution.  The Jacobins were radicals who did not like their government and even broke out war in Europe. This group was also rivals with a group known as the Girondists.  

The Cordeliers- This was another political club of the French Revolution.  The Cordeliers were fully for the Rights of Man but were totally out to destroy the other political club known as the Girondists.

The Feuillants- This was another political club of the French Revolution.  The Feuillants wanted to have a constitutional monarchy. 

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy(1789)- This was an oath that the clergy had to take but it did not go over well.  Only about 52% took this oath and then disaster broke loose.  The clergy were not happy. 

The National Assembly enacts the Civil Constitution of the Clergy (1790)

The Constitution of 1791 establishes a constitutional monarchy (1791)

Necker's resignation- Necker resigned.  He did this because his ideas clashed with those of comte de Maurepas. 

Mirabeau- He was a man who betrayed his country by publishing certain documents.  Later on he did work with the king a lot and was for a constitutional monarchy. He spoke a lot for the Third Estate as well. 

Mirabeau's death (1791)- Mirabeau died loved and liked bye many people, and was very popular.  He was berried honorably but later his corpse was dug up because they found out what he did in court. 

Louis XVI and family flee but captured- Louis XVI tried to escape with his family to get away from all the humiliation, but was discovered.  Someone recognized his wife, and then someone recognized him by looking at the dollar bill with his face on it and comparing the two.  After they were caught they were sent back. 

Louis accepts New Constitution (Sept. 14, 1791)- Louis accepted the new constitution.  This document then limited the power of the monarchy Louis had going. 

Other reforms of the National Assembly (1791)

abolished titles of nobility- The nobility had the titles and power to do a lot of things such as tax people.  The peasants were not taxed so much after these titles were abolished. 

reorganized local government- The government was starting to be reorganized and this helped the French Revolution very much.  The people started to have pride in their country again, also know as nationalism. 

laissez faire principals- The laissez faire principles stated that the government should have little or nothing to do with peoples businesses.  The businesses should be able to work on their own with no interference in a free market. 

Legislative Assembly convenes (1791-92)

Conservatives- Conservatives are people with the state of mind that opposes change.  They wanted to have a monarchy still.  They also sat on the right side of the hall. 

Moderates (centrists)- Moderates are central kind of people who are too far overboard on one topic or the other.  These people wanted changes in the government. They also sat in the center of the hall.    

Girondists- These were rivals of the Jacobins.  This political group wanted to have continental war. 

Mountain- This thing got it power from the clubs of the Jacobins and the Cordeliers.  This is the center of power “mountain.”

Intervention of Foreign Powers (1791-92)- Foreign powers got involed in this French Revolution as well.  It was Austria and Prussia who threatened the to get in the middle of things to protect the French monarchy. 

Austria-Prussia Alliance- These two countries were the ones who gave threats to intervene.  They did this by issuing the Declaration of Pilnitz which stated what they would do if the French Monarchy was in danger.  This causes so radical anger from the people of France. 

France's Legislative Assembly declares war (April 20, 1792)- France’s Legislative Assembly declared war on Austria, Prussia, Britain, and other states.  France was expected to be crushed so the different states and countries claimed their territory. 

The Legislative Assembly deposes King Louis XVI and calls for the election of the National Convention (1792)

Liberty, Equality, Fraternity- These are the natural right that the Declaration of the Rights of Man stated man should have.  This was almost like a motto. 

Radical Takeover- The radicals took over.  The people started killing anyone who had power at all or were in charge, they even killed their own king and queen.  The radicals then set up a republic and enforced suffrage, which gave any man, the right to vote, land or no land. 

Robespierre- The government was guided by Robepierre and the Jacobins like him.  He wanted to abolish slavery and also felt that France could have a “republic of virtue.”  He hated the Old Regime. 

Danton- He was a revolutionary leader and a skilled orator.  He was the founder of the Cordeliers Club. 

Marat- Marat was a writer.  He wrote a few famous books and became a good docter working for the king. 

sans-culottes- They were radical men and women who pushed on the revolution in a radical way and point of view.  Many of these people demanded to have a republic. 

King Louis XVI is executed (1793)- King Louis XVI and his wife were killed.  King Louis was tried as a trader of France and was convicted and executed.  He was executed in a public square. 

The Reign of Terror begins (1793)

committee of public safety- This was an organization that actually was supposed to try to make France safe and to save the revolution.  This was a hard task, especially during the Reign of Terror.                            

Jacobins- This was a political club of the French Revolution.  The Jacobins were radicals who did not like their government and even broke out war in Europe. This group was also rivals with a group known as the Girondists.    

Republic of virtue- This new republic had to be gotten used to because everyone was used to a cruel monarchy.  People were being executed left and right or at least being imprisoned for the most minor things. 

Justification of extreme violence- The justification of this extreme violence was that France needed to be safe and to do this, they needed to crush the rebels. 

revolutionary tribunal- They came into action right after the king and queen were killed.  This was a peace keeping group that involved many guillotines and killing people that revolted and did wrong. 

How many dead?- about 40,000 people died.  15 percent were nobles, 15 percent were middle-class citizens, and the rest were peasants and sans-culottes in riots. 

The National Convention abolishes the monarchy (1792)

The War of the First Coalition is fought (1792-1797)- This is a war that takes place not to long after the king and queen are killed.  An 80,000 man force of Prussian and Austrians mainly went up against a force of 36,000 Frenchmen.  The Frenchmen massacred the other men. 

lev'ee en masse- This was the organization which increased Frances army size.  They did this by drafting people. 

coalition- This is a temporary alliance.  This is what Prussia and Austria did against the French, they had a coalition. 

French military victories- The French had very many victories in war.  They mainly had all these victories because they had a great leader to lead their army, napoleon. 

Treaty of Basel- This is a treaty of peace.  This treaty made peace between Prussia and France. 

The Thermidorean Reaction ends the Reign of Terror (1794)

9 Thermidor- This is the 11th month in the French Revolutionary calendar.  This marks the downfall of Robespierre and his Reign of Terror. 

guillotine- This was a device to cut off heads.  The French used these many times to execute people publicly. 

The National Convention drafts the Constitution of 1795 (1795)

Who controlled it?- Mainly the Girondists and the mountain controlled it.  This was because these were the people who knew most about politics. 

How was it controlled?- It was controlled by a lot of people who were all radicals but knew quite a bit about government. 

Council of Elders- The council of elders was the leaders of the National Convention.  They were the ones who supervised everything. 

Dissolving of the National Convention- The convention was being changed into a five man rule who were voted on by land owning people called the Dirrectory.  It was taken over by executive power. 

The Directory begins to rule France(1795-1799)

financial crisis- The directory started to get a bad reputation basically because it was governing a bankrupt country.  The finical crisis was huge and France was really poor. 

corruption- The Directory was very corrupted and the more corrupted they got the more bankrupt they got as well.  The Directory did help with some agricultural thing but it wss still very corrupt. 

exhaustion- The Directory was exhausted because they had to try to help France while covering bad stuff up so that France wouldn’t know that anything bad happened. 

army- The army was that of Napoleon Bonaparte.  He was one of the greatest conquerors of all time.  The army was lead by this mastermind , and he concurred a ton of Europe.


Napoleon Bonaparte

Time Line

Whitney Scott

Napoleon Bonaparte is born in Corsica (1769-1821)

Early military successes (1796)-

Napoleon Fights his Egyptian campaign (1798-1799)

War of the Second Coalition is fought (1798-1801)

Napoleon Bonaparte seizes power and becomes first consul (1799)-

The Concordat of 1801 establishes a reconciliation between France and the Papacy (1801)

Napoleon becomes first consul for life (1802)

The Napoleonic Empire / Map (1804)

Napoleonic Wars (1805-1815)-

Napoleon creates the Confederation of the Rhine and abolishes the Holy Roman Empire (1806)

Napoleon establishes the continental system (1806)

 Conflict on Other Fronts(1808-1810)

War of 1812

Napoleon fights his unsuccessful Russian campaign (1812)

 Russia, Prussia, and Austria defeat Napoleon in the Battle of Nations (1813)

Napoleon abdicates and goes into exile on the island of Elba (1814)

Napoleon returns to power, beginning the Hundred Days (1815)

Napoleon is defeated at Waterloo (1815)

Napoleon dies on Saint Helena (1821)